In our possession
Accountability and risk during the time that we hold the passports or documents we hold ourselves liable for:
Not in our possession
Accountability and risk we are not liable for damage caused by:
- Delayed issuance of visas and documents by the consulate.
- Damage or loss to your documents – visas/legalizations caused by the consulate
- Damage or loss of your documents caused by:
-DHL (or other couriers)
-Post office
-postman or any other means of transport
Visa refusal by the consul
We cannot be held responsible for the refusal of your visa application by the consulate. The consul can decide by intuition to view more documents so that your visa application is not always ready on time. The consul is authorized to request additional documents for your visa application or to refuse your visa application without stating reasons. Accountability and risk.
Refusal of entry at the border with the country
We also accept no liability for damage caused by correctly issued visas, which nevertheless creates a problem at the border of the country concerned.
A customs officer has a sovereign position and is empowered to refuse entry into his country without stating reasons.
It can happen anywhere in the world, even though the traveler has the correct visa in the passport issued by the country’s consulate.
Your journey cannot continue.
If your trip is canceled due to disaster, epidemic, or other natural phenomena, we will do our best to convince the consulate to refund the cost of the visa.
If the consulate does not come up with a solution and is unable or unwilling to fulfill your request, we, unfortunately, cannot reimburse your visa costs. We provide our services to mediate between you and the consulate from the start of the visa application to obtaining the visa from the consulate, but we do not sell the visa. The consulate does.
The rate of the consulate
Consulates can increase or decrease the rates of the visa or legalization. We accept no accountability for damage caused by a fee increase by the consulate.
If we pay less at the consulate, we will also pass on the lower amount on the invoice. We do not earn from the visa but only from mediation. Unfortunately, nobody ‘normally’ receives notification from consulates when rates go up or down. Only in some cases, does the consulate give a notification.
Additional documents
A consul is authorized to request additional documents to assess your visa application better. Suppose the visa application is rejected at the consulate or is damaged. As a result, you miss your flight. We do not accept any responsibility for the damage caused by the consulate.
Sudden changes/adjustments
Consulates can make changes to the required documents for your visa application because their Ministry of Foreign Affairs can demand this immediately. We also accept no responsibility for damage caused by a delay in the consulate due to changes in the required documentation.
Those who often travel to
China are aware of these sudden changes. For example,
we go to the consulate in the morning, and the embassy has accepted your application after verification. We pay and tell them when the visa must be ready two or four days later.
Later that same day, we suddenly get the order to collect all documents. From then on, the necessary rules and documents have changed.
The validity of the visa
Always know exactly the date you will enter the country. Most visas have absolute validity. A visa permit has a start and an end date. You may only be in the country during that period! You may be faced with very unpleasant surprises. All visas have a time of validity, so when a visa permit starts and when it expires!