On this page below you will find all the information you need for your visa application

If you do not understand how it works, you can always call us. Tel. 0031 70 215 4995

Jouw keuze: Bestemming: South Africa > Soort visum: Procedure
Visa costs

The documents that are required for your visa

To apply for this visa, you must personally go to the consulate 3 times:

1. To request the documents needed to get the visa and make an appointment
2. Appear personally on the day of the appointment to apply for the visa.
3. To collect the visa. An agency like us, or family, friends and colleagues are also not allowed to collect your visa. You have to do it personally.

Office address:
Anna Paulownastraat 63
2518 BC The Hague
The Netherlands

Business hours:
Monday – Friday 9:00 – 17:00

Route description

Contact us:
Tel +31(0)6-393 39 184
Tel +31(0)70 215 49 95
[email protected]